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The Amiens Prison Raid captured on Film! (WW2 Documentary)
The Jail Breakers (1944)
Mosquitos Raid Amiens Prison to Jailbreak French Resistance Prisoners
"OPERATION JERICHO" | Military Action Short
Operation Jericho: the Amiens Raid - the Most Audacious Prison Break of WW2
Using Planes to Break Out of Prison (Operation Jericho)
When Mosquitos Raided a Prison
LAST SECRET of World War 2 - the Secrets and Lies of Operation Jericho
ArmA 3 2024 12 27 Operation Jericho 支線1 傳話者
"RED - THE AMBUSH" | Military Action Short
Operation Jericho - History channel
1944 Operation Jericho: Bombing Amiens Prison(Milsim) | DCS Reenactment Mission